US Historyby Caggia Social Studies
- Unit 1A: The Civil War
- Unit 1B: Reconstruction
- Period 2 Table of Contents
- Period 3 Table of Contents
- Period 5 Table of Contents
- Period 6 Table of Contents
American History Textbook
The Americans
Below is the "Red Textbook" online. Click on the name of the chapter you desire to reveal each of the sections. Click on the section you desire and it will open in a new browser tab. When looking at the textbook pages, do not try to navigate using the buttons at the top of the page, they are not functional for this online format.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Three Worlds Meet (1200bc-ad1500)
Chapter 2: The American Colonies Emerge (1492-1681)
Chapter 3: The Colonies Come of Age (1650-1765)
Chapter 4: The War for Independence (1765-1783)
Section 4.1: The Stirrings of Rebellion (pp 96-102)
Section 4.2: Ideas Help Start a Revolution (pp 103-108)
The Declaration of Independence (pp 109-112)
Section 4.3: Struggling Toward Saratoga (pp 113-117)
Section 4.4: Winning the War (pp 118-123)
Tracing Themes: Women and Political Power (pp 124-125)
Chapter 4 Assessment (pp 126-127)
Section 4.2: Ideas Help Start a Revolution (pp 103-108)
The Declaration of Independence (pp 109-112)
Section 4.3: Struggling Toward Saratoga (pp 113-117)
Section 4.4: Winning the War (pp 118-123)
Tracing Themes: Women and Political Power (pp 124-125)
Chapter 4 Assessment (pp 126-127)
Chapter 5: Shaping a New Nation (1781-1788)
The Living Constitution
Chapter 6: Launching the New Nation (1789-1816)
Section 6.1: Washington Heads the New Government (pp 182-187)
Daily Life 1789-1816: Young People in the Early Republic (pp 188-189)
Section 6.2: Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation (pp 190-196)
Section 6.3: Jefferson Alters the Nation's Course (pp 197-201)
Section 6.4: The War of 1812 (pp 202-205)
The Supreme Court: Marbury v. Madison (1803) (pp 206-207)
Chapter 6 Assessment (pp 208-209)
Daily Life 1789-1816: Young People in the Early Republic (pp 188-189)
Section 6.2: Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation (pp 190-196)
Section 6.3: Jefferson Alters the Nation's Course (pp 197-201)
Section 6.4: The War of 1812 (pp 202-205)
The Supreme Court: Marbury v. Madison (1803) (pp 206-207)
Chapter 6 Assessment (pp 208-209)
Chapter 7: Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism (1815-1840)
Chapter 8: Reforming American Society (1820-1850)
Section 8.1: Religion Sparks Reform (pp 240-245)
American Literature: The Literature of the Transcendentalists (pp 246-247)
Section 8.2: Slavery and Abolition (pp 248-253)
Section 8.3: Women and Reform (pp 254-258)
Section 8.4: The Changing Workplace (pp 259-265)
Daily Life 1820-1850: Working at Mid-Century (pp 266-267)
Chapter 8 Assessment (pp 268-269)
American Literature: The Literature of the Transcendentalists (pp 246-247)
Section 8.2: Slavery and Abolition (pp 248-253)
Section 8.3: Women and Reform (pp 254-258)
Section 8.4: The Changing Workplace (pp 259-265)
Daily Life 1820-1850: Working at Mid-Century (pp 266-267)
Chapter 8 Assessment (pp 268-269)
Chapter 9: Expanding Markets and Moving West (1825-1847)
Chapter 10: The Union in Peril (1850-1861)
Section 10.1: The Divisive Poitics of Slavery (pp 304-309)
Section 10.2: Protest, Resistance, and Violence (pp 310-317)
Section 10.3: The Birth of the Republican Party (pp 318-321)
Tracing Themes: States' Rights (pp 322-323)
Section 10.4: Slavery and Secession (pp 324-331)
The Supreme Court: Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) (pp 332-333)
Chapter 10 Assessment (pp 334-335)
Section 10.2: Protest, Resistance, and Violence (pp 310-317)
Section 10.3: The Birth of the Republican Party (pp 318-321)
Tracing Themes: States' Rights (pp 322-323)
Section 10.4: Slavery and Secession (pp 324-331)
The Supreme Court: Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) (pp 332-333)
Chapter 10 Assessment (pp 334-335)
Chapter 11: The Civil War (1861-1865)
Chapter 12: Reconstruction and Its Effects (1865-1877)
Chapter 13: Changes on the Western Frontier (1877-1900)
Section 13.1: Cultures Clash on the Prairie (pp 408-417)
Daily Life 1849-1900: Gold Mining (pp 418-419)
Section 13.2: Settling on the Great Plains (pp 420-424)
Section 13.3: Farmers and the Populist Movement (pp 425-429)
American Literature: Literature of the West (pp 430-431)
Chapter 13 Assessment (pp 432-433)
Daily Life 1849-1900: Gold Mining (pp 418-419)
Section 13.2: Settling on the Great Plains (pp 420-424)
Section 13.3: Farmers and the Populist Movement (pp 425-429)
American Literature: Literature of the West (pp 430-431)
Chapter 13 Assessment (pp 432-433)
Chapter 14: A New Industrial Age (1877-1900)
Chapter 15: Immigrants and Urbanization (1977-1914)
Chapter 16: Life at the Turn of the 20th Century (1877-1917)
Section 16.1: Science and Urban Life (pp 482-487)
Section 16.2: Expanding Public Education (pp 488-491)
Section 16.3: Segregation and Discrimination (pp 492-495)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) (pp 496-497)
Section 16.4: The Dawn of Mass Culture (pp 498-503)
Daily Life: Going to the Show (504-505)
Chapter 16 Assessment (pp 506-507)
Section 16.2: Expanding Public Education (pp 488-491)
Section 16.3: Segregation and Discrimination (pp 492-495)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) (pp 496-497)
Section 16.4: The Dawn of Mass Culture (pp 498-503)
Daily Life: Going to the Show (504-505)
Chapter 16 Assessment (pp 506-507)
Chapter 17: The Progressive Era (1890-1920)
Section 17.1: The Origins of Progressivism (pp 512-518)
Section 17.2: Women in Public Life (pp 519-522)
Section 17.3: Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal (pp 523-531)
American Literature: The Muckrakers (pp 532-533)
Section 17.4: Progressivism Under Taft (pp 534-537)
Section 17.5: Wilson's New Freedom (pp 538-543)
Chapter 17 Assessment (pp 544-545)
Section 17.2: Women in Public Life (pp 519-522)
Section 17.3: Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal (pp 523-531)
American Literature: The Muckrakers (pp 532-533)
Section 17.4: Progressivism Under Taft (pp 534-537)
Section 17.5: Wilson's New Freedom (pp 538-543)
Chapter 17 Assessment (pp 544-545)
Chapter 18: America Claims an Empire (1890-1920)
Section 18.1: Imperialism and America (pp 548-551)
Section 18.2: The Spanish-American War (pp 552-557)
Section 18.3: Acquiring New Lands (pp 558-564)
Section 18.4: America as a World Power (pp 565-571)
Geography Spotlight: The Panama Canal - A Funnel for Trade (pp 572-573)
Chapter 18 Assessment (pp 574-575)
Section 18.2: The Spanish-American War (pp 552-557)
Section 18.3: Acquiring New Lands (pp 558-564)
Section 18.4: America as a World Power (pp 565-571)
Geography Spotlight: The Panama Canal - A Funnel for Trade (pp 572-573)
Chapter 18 Assessment (pp 574-575)
Chapter 19: The First World War (1914-1920)
Section 19.1: World War I Begins (pp 578-586)
Section 19.2: American Power Tips the Balance (pp 587-593)
Section 19.3: The War at Home (pp 594-601)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Schenck v. The United States (1919) (602-603)
Section 19.4: Wilson Fights for Peace (pp 604-609)
Tracing Themes: America in World Affairs (pp 610-611)
Chapter 19 Assessment (pp 612-613)
Section 19.2: American Power Tips the Balance (pp 587-593)
Section 19.3: The War at Home (pp 594-601)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Schenck v. The United States (1919) (602-603)
Section 19.4: Wilson Fights for Peace (pp 604-609)
Tracing Themes: America in World Affairs (pp 610-611)
Chapter 19 Assessment (pp 612-613)
Chapter 20: Politics of the 1920s (1919-1929)
Section 20.1: Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues (618-624)
Section 20.2: The Harding Presidency (625-627)
Section 20.3: The Business of America (628-633)
Tracing Themes: Economic Opportunities (634-635)
Chapter 20 Assessment (pp 636-637)
Section 20.2: The Harding Presidency (625-627)
Section 20.3: The Business of America (628-633)
Tracing Themes: Economic Opportunities (634-635)
Chapter 20 Assessment (pp 636-637)
Chapter 21: The Roaring Life of the 1920s (1920-1929)
Section 21.1: Changing Ways of Life (640-645)
Section 21.2: The Twenties Woman (646-649)
Daily Life: Youth in the Roaring Twenties (650-651)
Section 21.3: Education and Popular Culture (652-657)
Section 21.4: The Harlem Renaissance (658-663)
American Literature: Literature in the Jazz Age (664-665)
Chapter 21 Assessment (pp 666-667)
Section 21.2: The Twenties Woman (646-649)
Daily Life: Youth in the Roaring Twenties (650-651)
Section 21.3: Education and Popular Culture (652-657)
Section 21.4: The Harlem Renaissance (658-663)
American Literature: Literature in the Jazz Age (664-665)
Chapter 21 Assessment (pp 666-667)
Chapter 22: The Great Depression Begins (1929-1933)
Chapter 23: The New Deal (1933-1940)
Section 23.1: A New Deal Fights the Depression (694-700)
Section 23.2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold (701-707)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp (1937) (708-709)
Section 23.3: The New Deal Affects Many Groups (710-715)
Section 23.4: Culture in the 1930s (716-720)
Section 23.5: The Impact of the New Deal (721-725)
Geography Spotlight: The Tennessee Valley Authority (726-727)
Chapter 23 Assessment (pp 728-729)
Section 23.2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold (701-707)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: NLRB v. Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp (1937) (708-709)
Section 23.3: The New Deal Affects Many Groups (710-715)
Section 23.4: Culture in the 1930s (716-720)
Section 23.5: The Impact of the New Deal (721-725)
Geography Spotlight: The Tennessee Valley Authority (726-727)
Chapter 23 Assessment (pp 728-729)
Chapter 24: World War Looms (1931-1941)
Chapter 25: The United States in World War II (1941-1945)
Section 25.1: Mobilizing for Defense (768-774)
Section 25.2: The War for Europe and North Africa (775-783)
Section 25.3: The War in the Pacific (784-793)
Tracing Themes: Science and Technology (794-795)
Section 25.4: The Home Front (796-801)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Korematsue v. United States (1944) (802-803)
Chapter 25 Assessment (pp 804-805)
Section 25.2: The War for Europe and North Africa (775-783)
Section 25.3: The War in the Pacific (784-793)
Tracing Themes: Science and Technology (794-795)
Section 25.4: The Home Front (796-801)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Korematsue v. United States (1944) (802-803)
Chapter 25 Assessment (pp 804-805)
Chapter 26: Cold War Conflicts (1945-1960)
Chapter 27: The Postwar Boom (1946-1960)
Section 27.1: Postwar America (840-846)
Section 27.2: The American Dream in the Fifties (847-855)
Geography Spotlight: The Road to Suburbia (856-857)
Section 27.3: Popular Culture (858-863)
Daily Life 1950-1960: The Emergence of the Teenager (864-865)
Section 27.4: The Other America (866-869)
Chapter 27 Assessment (pp 870-871)
Section 27.2: The American Dream in the Fifties (847-855)
Geography Spotlight: The Road to Suburbia (856-857)
Section 27.3: Popular Culture (858-863)
Daily Life 1950-1960: The Emergence of the Teenager (864-865)
Section 27.4: The Other America (866-869)
Chapter 27 Assessment (pp 870-871)
Chapter 28: The New Frontier and the Great Society (1960-1968)
Section 28.1: Kennedy and the Cold War (876-884)
Section 28.2: The New Frontier (885-889)
Geography Spotlight: The Movement of Migrant Workers (890-891)
Section 28.3: The Great Society (892-899)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Miranda v. Arizona (1966) (900-901)
Chapter 28 Assessment (pp 902-903)
Section 28.2: The New Frontier (885-889)
Geography Spotlight: The Movement of Migrant Workers (890-891)
Section 28.3: The Great Society (892-899)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Miranda v. Arizona (1966) (900-901)
Chapter 28 Assessment (pp 902-903)
Chapter 29: Civil Rights (1954-1968)
Section 29.1: Taking on Civil Rights (906-913)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) (914-915)
Section 29.2: The Triumphs of a Crusade (916-922)
Section 29.3: Challenges and Changes in the Movement (923-929)
Tracing Themes: Civil Rights (930-931)
Chapter 29 Assessment (pp 932-933)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) (914-915)
Section 29.2: The Triumphs of a Crusade (916-922)
Section 29.3: Challenges and Changes in the Movement (923-929)
Tracing Themes: Civil Rights (930-931)
Chapter 29 Assessment (pp 932-933)
Chapter 30: The Vietnam Years (1954-1975)
Section 30.1: Moving Toward Conflict (936-941)
Section 30.2: U.S. Involvement and Escalation (942-947)
Section 30.3: A Nation Divided (948-953)
Section 30.4: 1968: A Tumultuous Year (954-959)
Section 30.5: The End of the War and Its Legacy (960-967)
American Literature: Literature of the Vietnam War (968-969)
Chapter 30 Assessment (pp 970-971)
Section 30.2: U.S. Involvement and Escalation (942-947)
Section 30.3: A Nation Divided (948-953)
Section 30.4: 1968: A Tumultuous Year (954-959)
Section 30.5: The End of the War and Its Legacy (960-967)
American Literature: Literature of the Vietnam War (968-969)
Chapter 30 Assessment (pp 970-971)
Chapter 31: An Era of Social Change (1960-1975)
Section 31.1: Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equity (974-979)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Reynolds v. Sims (1964) (980-981)
Section 31.2: Women Fight for Equality (982-986)
Section 31.3: Culture and Counterculture (987-991)
Daily Life 1960-1970: Signs of the Sixties (992-993)
Chapter 31 Assessment (pp 994-995)
Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court: Reynolds v. Sims (1964) (980-981)
Section 31.2: Women Fight for Equality (982-986)
Section 31.3: Culture and Counterculture (987-991)
Daily Life 1960-1970: Signs of the Sixties (992-993)
Chapter 31 Assessment (pp 994-995)
Chapter 32: An Age of Limits (1968-1980)
Section 32.1: The Nixon Administration (1000-1007)
Section 32.2: Watergate: Nixon's Downfall (1008-1013)
Daily Life 1968-1980: Television Reflects American Life (1014-1015)
Section 32.3: The Ford and Carter Years (1016-1023)
Historic Decisions of The Supreme Court: Regents of the University of California (1024-1025)
Section 32.4: Environmental Activism (1026-1031)
Chapter 32 Assessment (pp 1032-1033)
Section 32.2: Watergate: Nixon's Downfall (1008-1013)
Daily Life 1968-1980: Television Reflects American Life (1014-1015)
Section 32.3: The Ford and Carter Years (1016-1023)
Historic Decisions of The Supreme Court: Regents of the University of California (1024-1025)
Section 32.4: Environmental Activism (1026-1031)
Chapter 32 Assessment (pp 1032-1033)
Chapter 33: The Conservative Tide (1980-1992)
Section 33.1: A Conservative Movement Emerges (1036-1039)
Section 33.2: Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush (1040-1044)
Section 33.3: Social Concerns in the 1980s (1045-1051)
Geography Spotlight: Sunbelt, Rustbelt, Ecotopia (1052-1053)
Section 33.4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War (1054-1061)
Chapter 33 Assessment (pp 1062-1063)
Section 33.2: Conservative Policies Under Reagan and Bush (1040-1044)
Section 33.3: Social Concerns in the 1980s (1045-1051)
Geography Spotlight: Sunbelt, Rustbelt, Ecotopia (1052-1053)
Section 33.4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War (1054-1061)
Chapter 33 Assessment (pp 1062-1063)
Chapter 34: The United States in the World Today (1992-2001)
Section 34.1: The 1990s and the New Millennium (1066-1074)
Section 34.2: The New Global Economy (1075-1079)
American Literature: Women Writers Reflect American Diversity (1080-1081)
Section 34.3: Technology and Modern Life (1082-1087)
Section 34.4: The Changing Face of America (1088-1093)
Tracing Themes: Immigration and Migration (1094-1095)
Chapter 34 Assessment (pp 1096-1097)
Section 34.2: The New Global Economy (1075-1079)
American Literature: Women Writers Reflect American Diversity (1080-1081)
Section 34.3: Technology and Modern Life (1082-1087)
Section 34.4: The Changing Face of America (1088-1093)
Tracing Themes: Immigration and Migration (1094-1095)
Chapter 34 Assessment (pp 1096-1097)
Copyright M. Caggia 2024